Wednesday, November 18, 2015

      Charles Darnay is an important character in the book 'A tale of two Cities' by Dickens. He has many different traits which include a loving, just and intelligent personality. My reasons for saying that he is loving is because he fell in love with lucie and he still loves her from the very first moment he met her. He tells Dr Manette that he loves his daughter and wants his approval to date her, Dr Manette gives him his blessing afterward. The reason I said that he was smart was because he managed to become a teacher in England teaching French. My final trait I gave Darnay was just because he was put to trial and the consequence of found guilty was death, he is truthful the whole trial and is later freed. These are the traits I gave Darnay.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Importance of Family

     What is family? Family is not only a group of people bonded by blood but they are brought together through love, kindness and happiness together. Family is a gift given to everyone who seeks happiness. You may have lost your parents but that doesn't mean you don't have a family. As long as someone loves you, worries about you and cares for you that person is automatically your family. When things are going bad for you and you feel depressed you want to talk to your family first because they will support you through anything. There are many different interpretations on what family is. Family are the people God gave to you so they are people to appreciate.

How to make Raphael Usuomon

   How to make Raphael Usuomon
Today we are going to be making a Raphael dish. This is a very unique dish to make so we are going to have to be careful. First we are going to need these ingredients:     
• tablespoon of nice
• teaspoon of annoying
• cup of funny
• 2 tablespoons of stubborn
• 1 cup of cool
•2 dry measuring cups of tall
Set the oven to 350 degrees then you mix all of these ingredients and put it in the oven for 30 minutes. when you are done doing that leave it to cool and thats how you make a raphael dish.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sacredness of the Ordinary

   It may look like an ordinary watch to an ordinary person but to me it is an object with memories. It is a watch passed down in my family so it means a lot. My grandfather died this year so it was passed down to me, I felt overwhelmed that I received this watch over my brother. He was a bit angry that he didn't receive the watch but instead I got it but he didn't argue about it. I cherish this watch because it is one of the few items that I have to remind me of my grandfather.